grey and yellow

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Little Baby Eschler

WARNING! This post has TMI about being preggo. If your not so much interested in that I would suggest clicking on that little X on the top right hand corner of your screen now!... 

We found out that Little Baby Eschler was on it's way July 13th (Friday the 13th mind you) We're in for a real treat with this little munchkin, I just know it. I had found out that morning before I left for work and was dying to tell Trevor but, of course it had to be one of the craziest days. Trev had been in the library all day studying his little buns off trying to finish up summer school ( and this wasn't really something I could shoot a text to him casually. That would of been a real shocker) By the time I got off work he had already left for work and my sister Casie decided to come spend the night at our house that night. What are the chances right? She hardly ever comes to Logan to play except this one night where I have major news to spill. I ended up having to wait to even till Trevor till the next morning when I convinced Casie to go to the store to get stuff for breakfast. As I whipped out all 3 pregnancy tests ( yes, I took 3) I said "The chances of all 3 of these being wrong is very slim." Trev's face went as white as a ghost.  After the shock wore off and had time to settle in we were ecstatic about starting our little family.  

At weeks 8 weeks exactly I started to have some issues. I started bleeding and as the day went on there was no end in sight, it just kept getting heavier and heavier. This was on a Friday and my doctor couldn't get me until the first of next week. He suggested that I go to the Emergency Room to get checked out (which I thought was a bit extravagant) and plus, I hate hospitals. I figured I'd watch it and see if it starts to lighten up, but the sweet and worried daddy that Trevor is wanted no part of this waiting it out thing.  He immediately put me in the car and off to the E.R we went. After spending 4 hours there I was very thankful he had that urge and knew that was the right thing that needed to be done.  It was a huge relief when we heard its healthy little heart beat and that little dot that wiggled around. We weren't quite out of the woods yet though. In the ultrasound they found a random mass on my uterus that most definitely shouldn't be there. The ultrasound tech was kinda a ding-dong and all she could say about the mass was "Yep, thats definitely not suppose to be there." Thank you lady, your not helpful one bit. They contacted my OB and he wanted to see me first thing on Monday just to make sure whatever this was isn't harming the baby. They sent us home from the E.R with all kinds of ultrasounds and that the baby was perfectly healthy. Since we had these issues going on we felt obligated to tell our family instead of keeping them in the dark about it. It was a lot sooner then we had planned to announce it but it felt it would be for the best. 

This was our creative way of announcing the news. We were pretty proud of it. Wasn't like everyone else. 

When Monday rolled around we were more than ready to find out what this bad boy was that is camping out in my uterus. My doctor discovered that it was a Fibroid Tumor, which are very common and are not harmful. They worry about these when your pregnant only because most Fibroids tend to form around your cervix and as it camps out in there for 9 months it ends up blocking the exit for the baby.  Somehow mine is in the perfect spot, away from my cervix, the baby, everything!! The only catch is, I will more in likely have to have more ultrasounds through out the pregnancy then normal to keep an eye on it. Which is fine by me, I get to see all the different stages and watch it grow from the inside.

 We couldn't be more excited for this little one to join our family. It's going to be an adventure and we may not feel prepared for this huge step, but I know our Heavenly Father has a reason for everything and has sent this sweet little angel to us to raise as one of his children.  

1 comment:

  1. Crazy!!! Thanks for Sharing.. if you and Trevor called once and awhile we wouldn't have to get the update from FB or your sweet Blog.. We're glad everything else is ok.. Keep us posted..
