grey and yellow

Thursday, May 23, 2013

2 months

She's fist pumping. Now that's how it's done. 

Weight: 11lbs 3oz. Sound huge right? I thought for sure once she started tipping the scales at the Dr. office the doc would freak out, but to my surprise she is right on the average mark in her weight, length and noggin. 

Loves:  She loves the reflection of the night light in our room. Nothing makes her smile like staring at the light. She also loves fans. We were down at my in-laws and their fan was broken so everyone was using their hands to spin it. Once it would stop spinning she would freak out till someone would spin it again. So, Trev got a broom so he could keep it spinning from the comfort of the couch. SPOILED ROTTEN!! 

 Sleep: She still loves her sleep. She sleeps a good 9 hours every night. There has actually been a hand full of mornings that I wake up at 9:30 on my own and Brecklyn is still sleeping. You know it's going to be a good day when that happens. 

Parenting Moment: When people ask to see Brecklyn and we lift up the car seat cover to this....

#1 parenting award right there!! 
She looks like she is about to flash some gang signs along with that one eyed headband look. 

I'm sad at how fast she is growing, but I love that she is learning new things. She is the smiling queen these days. She is such a cheeser. I Love It! 

Seriously love her big crazy smiles. I put her swim suit on her to make sure it fit for our little trip this weekend and apparently she really liked it. For our anniversary this weekend we are going to St. George. I love the shopping in St. George, but the last time we were down there I was hugely prego so there wasn't much shopping that was done. For motivation Trev told me that if I lost my baby weight by our anniversary we could go back and do some shopping. Whoot Whoot. Best part of all is that we invited my parents to come with us to be our babysitter so that we can celebrate our anniversary with just the two of us and not planning our day around feedings or diapers. I wasn't ready to leave Brecklyn home for the entire weekend with my parents so instead we talked them into coming with us. Genius right? I think so to. 

She has been rolling over since we was about a month old and starting sitting up at 6 weeks. She can sit in her boppy pillow for awhile on her own, but without the pillow she can only sit for about 3-5 mins before she gets the drunk toppling over look. I swear she is to little to be doing this.